Pitching Exercises and
Useful Musical Scales!

Here, you will find some of the most effective pitching exercises that use musical scales and intervals to target our problem pitch ranges, and help us sing more in tune!

This is a training method that many vocal instructors use to keep their students from singing out of tune!

Singing these exercises work to familiarise your vocal cords with the various pitches and scales and sing them with greater ease!

To further strengthen your pitching ability, I have also personally recommended some great aural training books that I have found to be useful to my students!

Also for your benefit, I have provided some useful pitching tips for everyone to learn how our ears are just as important as our voice whenever we sing!

For those who would like instant access to the entire set of pitching exercise audio clips, some of which are not available in this section, click on the link now!

(See how I always have your welfare in mind? ;-p)

Now, in this section on ‘Pitching Exercises’, i will introduce the various musical scales and intervals that we can use in order to practise our sense of pitch and to keep us singing in tune.

First, let us view a video about How To Sing In Tune, where I will give you 3 simple tips to start you off:

These scales and intervals are as follows (click on each topic to view the respective webpage):

1. Major Scales

2. Minor Scales

3. Major and Minor Arpeggios

4. Arpeggio 7ths

5. Major Intervals

6. Minor Intervals

7. Pentatonic Scale

8. Chromatic Scale

I will also show you how these scales are created, in a simple and concise manner! (not to confuse you with too much information…)

There will be detailed charts for you to be able to play these scales on a piano, keyboard or guitar, and practice them at your own convenience!

For those who do not have any musical instrument or do not know how to play any, do not worry!

I have uploaded lots of practice music right here on this website, so that you will be able to practise your scales from your computer!

IMPORTANT!! Beginners should begin with the major scales and the major arpeggios ONLY.

Only after you have become more confident and are singing more in tune, then should you progress to the minor scales and minor arpeggios!

These scales have a higher level of difficulty and will challenge your pitching progressively!

Of all these scales above, the Chromatic Scale has the highest level of difficulty, and should be the final scale that you attempt.

For those who always go out of pitch when jumping pitches in a song, you should practise more of the Major and Minor Intervals.

These pitching exercises will help you to be more familiar with the various distances between the pitches and sing them more confidently!

So, what are you waiting for? Click on the above links and challenge your pitching ability now!

Just remember to practise good breath support when singing, and to do some vocal warmups like the lip trill before you commence any singing or vocal training.

This will help to prevent unnecessary abuse to your voice and also help to build a strong and healthy singing voice!

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