The Speech That Military Recruiters Don’t Want You To Hear

I had hoped to speak to high-schoolers – I still do – but the six high schools nearest me either ignored my offer to speak or declined it.  “Do it for the kids,” they say when asking to raise your property taxes, but it’s beyond the pale to dissuade those very same kids from needlessly … Continue reading “The Speech That Military Recruiters Don’t Want You To Hear”

When Nicaragua Took Germany to Court, Media Put Nicaragua in the Dock

Reprinted from Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) with the author’s permission. When Nicaragua accused Germany of aiding and abetting Israel’s genocide in Gaza at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) last month, readers of corporate media might have seriously wondered whether Nicaragua’s case had any legitimacy. The case targeted Germany as the second biggest … Continue reading “When Nicaragua Took Germany to Court, Media Put Nicaragua in the Dock”

Is Biden Leading From Behind on Ukraine?

In 2011, a White House official described President Obama’s foreign policy approach to Libya as “leading from behind.” It was an approach that did not go well, and soon the U.S. was acting as the rebel’s air force over the skies of Libya in a war that ended in disaster. In recent weeks, several of … Continue reading “Is Biden Leading From Behind on Ukraine?”

The Untold ICC Story: How the Global South Helped Palestine Challenge Western Institutions

Even the most optimistic of political analysts did not expect that the International Criminal Court’s Chief Prosecutor would be uttering these words: “I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin Netanyahu (…) and Yoav Gallant (…) bear criminal responsibility for (…) war crimes and crimes against humanity …” Aside from the two Israelis, Karim Khan … Continue reading “The Untold ICC Story: How the Global South Helped Palestine Challenge Western Institutions”

Our Fight To Get the Democratic Party To Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza

The Palestinian American experience these past eight months has been unlike any other. Every day, I wake up thinking this has to be a nightmare, the pain and heaviness in my heart is indescribable. Additionally, as a Democrat, it has hurt to see so many elected officials and long-time allies stay silent during the televised … Continue reading “Our Fight To Get the Democratic Party To Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza”

Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon

Originally published at CommonDreams. The overriding job of any U.S. president is to keep the nation safe. In the nuclear age, that mainly means avoiding nuclear Armageddon. Joe Biden’s reckless and incompetent foreign policy is pushing us closer to annihilation. He joins a long and undistinguished list of presidents who have gambled with Armageddon, including … Continue reading “Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon”

The Media Used a Single Comma To Distract From a Ruling To Stop Genocide

Israel’s claim that a single comma exempts it from having to respect the International Court of Justice’s order last week to immediately halt its murderous attack on Rafah should be ridiculed. Instead it is being given space to breathe by complicit media like the Guardian. The paper’s diplomatic editor offers an “analysis” that takes seriously … Continue reading “The Media Used a Single Comma To Distract From a Ruling To Stop Genocide”

Mapping the Parallels of US Conflict: From Vietnam to the War on China

On August 4th, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson stood in front of the American public and stated, “We Americans know, as do others though some may forget, the risk of spreading conflict. […] I shall immediately request Congress to pass a resolution to make it clear that our government is united in its determination to … Continue reading “Mapping the Parallels of US Conflict: From Vietnam to the War on China”

Israel’s Onslaught of Revenge

Forget the dead for a moment and think about the living. We’re talking about a minuscule, 25-mile strip of land on which, before recent events began, an estimated 2.4 million people lived, went to school, worshiped, farmed, did whatever. When Israel responded to Hamas’s nightmarish October 7th attack by bombing northern Gaza into rubble and … Continue reading “Israel’s Onslaught of Revenge”