Joe Biden

Maybe this debate between the current president and the possible inmate could include a few improvements, like holding the speakers accountable to keep them on track.
In a series of campaign ads, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris slammed the politician for falsifying his support of the Black community.
Not only has Biden confirmed more judges than Trump had done by this point in his presidency, but he's infused the nation’s courts with astounding diversity.
The Education Department said it will erase $7.7 billion in federal student loans through a combination of existing programs.
The president was "locked & loaded ready to take me out," Trump falsely told donors in an email.
The “Tonight Show” host cited some made-up polls to present his suggestions.
The president condemned top war crimes prosecutor Karim Khan for seeking "outrageous" arrest warrants for Israeli leaders over their actions in Gaza.
Senators’ ugly attacks on Mangi in his confirmation process "serve to demonize, vilify, and ultimately discourage pro bono service," they warned.
Historically Democratic constituencies might be easier to win back than other groups, and the president has better infrastructure than Donald Trump to reach those voters.
Trillions of dollars will be on the bargaining table in 2024. More than 100 progressive groups say it’s a window of opportunity.