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World - Middle East

King Abdullah tells Jordanians Hussein was their father

February 7, 1999
Web posted at: 12:12 p.m. EST (1712 GMT)

Following is the text of King Abdullah's address to the Jordanian people following the death of his father.

"Our brother citizens, sons of the one Jordanian family, family and tribe, friends of Hussein everywhere, Arabs and Muslims: With all the faith and accepting God's will and with the patience of the believers and the faith of the patient, I mourn to you, to the Arab, Islamic and the whole world, the king, the human, the believer, the Hashemite Sharif Hussein Bin Talal Bin Abdullah Bin Hussein, king of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, who passed away a content and patient believer. This is God's judgment and God's will.

"While I regard his passing as a great loss for the (Arab) nation and the country, I beseech almighty God to grant Hussein great mercy and inspire the Jordanians and the sons of the Arab and Islamic nations and all those who love him in the world, leaders and people, patience and solace.

"May God have mercy on Hussein, the father, the brother, the commander and the man. Patience, patience, believing in the one and only God. Hussein's soul will remain with us and among us and will not go away from our hearts and souls and we shall preserve Hussein's legacy in building and in giving, with all loyalty and sincerity, for the sake of Jordan, the dearest and the strongest, with all the strength and faith, in one rank, one heart and one family.

"The sons of the Jordanian family, my family and tribe: Hussein was a father, a brother to every one of you just as he was my father. Today, you are my brothers and sisters and with you I find sympathy and condolence under God. May God bestow upon you consolation."

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The Office of King Hussein I of Jordan
Mayo Clinic Health Oasis

Jordan Radio and Television Corp.
The CIA World Factbook - Jordan
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