Keyword Author Author & Title Title Subject Classmark ISBN

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SUBJECT search will display a list of subject headings beginning with the word(s) you enter. Browse these for a relevant heading and to learn about the subject coverage in this area.

Alternative to keyword

Subject search is an alternative way (to keyword) to find works ABOUT A TOPIC. For example,

  • church history
  • iraq war 2003
  • labor economics
  • philosophy, european

Use American spellings

It is worth remembering that the subject headings we use are authenticated by the Library of Congress and use American spellings.

About an author or title

Subject search is especially useful for finding works ABOUT AN AUTHOR and ABOUT A TITLE, rather than those written by the author, or the title work itself. For example,

  • eliot, t s
  • Heidegger
  • british broadcasting corporation
  • beowulf

You may still find KEYWORD search useful for finding subject information.