Page last updated at 16:44 GMT, Monday, 23 January 2012

Africa map

Here are the From Our Own Correspondent stories from the continent of Africa for 2012, sorted by date.

28 April 2012

In the hills of Iten, Claudia Hammond meets children who are trying to run their way out of poverty.

10 March 2012

One doctor's refusal to abandon thousands of refugees in the border area between Sudan and the new nation of South Sudan has left him in great danger, says Martin Plaut.

25 February 2012

Can normality ever return to Mogadishu after two decades of anarchy? Andrew Harding reports.

18 February 2012

A year after the uprising which overthrew Col Gaddafi began, Gabriel Gatehouse finds that firepower is still king.

28 January 2012

Mary Harper visits an Ethiopian town where daily life centres almost entirely around a drug known as khat.

14 January 2012

Thousands of documents could be lost after a fire at the Institute of Egypt, but restorers are working day and night to save some of the country's most previous books.

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