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Last Updated: Friday, 8 July, 2005, 20:30 GMT 21:30 UK
Three-year term for Zeta stalker
Dawnette Knight
Dawnette Knight entered into a plea deal in February
A woman who threatened to cut actress Catherine Zeta Jones into pieces has been jailed for three years.

Dawnette Knight, 35, stalked and threatened the Hollywood star, claiming she was in love with her husband, the actor Michael Douglas.

She was ordered to pay $200 (£115) to Zeta Jones, who branded Knight "evil".

Knight had denied the charges but entered a plea deal and admitted one count of stalking and three counts of making criminal threats.

In a letter read out to the Los Angeles court, the actress said: "You have profoundly affected me in how I conduct my life.

"Your actions will be with me the rest of my life - how I will be constantly observing, looking over my shoulder."

She added: "You will never be famous, you will never be infamous, you are just a criminal."

Knight apologised to Zeta Jones and begged for forgiveness. "I am sorry. I think about it all the time," she said.

Catherine Zeta Jones
Catherine Zeta Jones said she came close to a nervous breakdown

Knight admitted the charges, which took place between October 2, 2003, and May 21, 2004.

She was accused of sending threatening and violent letters to Douglas.

One letter said: "We are going to slice her up like meat on a bone and feed her to the dogs."

Knight apologised in another letter, claiming she had been in love with Douglas.

Giving evidence, Zeta Jones said she was so shaken she had come close to a nervous breakdown and had feared she was going to have a heart attack.

Knight has been in custody since her arrest last June, having been denied bail because of her "threatening conduct".

Zeta 'stalker' bail plea refused
14 Oct 04 |  Entertainment
No contest to stalking Zeta Jones
26 Feb 05 |  Entertainment
TV can cover Zeta 'stalker' case
05 Oct 04 |  Entertainment



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