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Last Updated: Wednesday, 9 April, 2003, 11:31 GMT 12:31 UK
Media incensed at journalist killings

The killing of an al-Jazeera television journalist and two cameramen by American forces in Baghdad on Tuesday has generated great anger in the Arabic media.

Newspapers throughout the Arab world accuse Washington of seeking to stop the media reporting the full horror of the war. The following are quotes from the press and broadcast media.

A black day for the press: three martyred, a number injured and a siege to silence Arab satellites.

Al-Hayat - Saudi-owned, London-based

America bombs journalists to stop them from revealing its massacres in Baghdad.

Al-Quds Al-Arabi - independent, London-based

Journalists are bombed to stop them witnessing war crimes. The country which claims concern over freedom and human rights does not want witnesses to the massacres it perpetrates. All this proves to the world the aggressors' evil-mindedness.

Al-Arab al-Alamiyah - independent, pro-Libyan, London-based

It is unacceptable to all journalists. The bombing was aimed at a certain balcony. It could not have been a mistake. We assume that the goggles used by planes, tanks, and other weapons have advanced to such a level that even small inscriptions or even faces can be recognised. The excuse that a cameraman is taken for a sniper is a flimsy one. A state of deep anger and wrath prevails here against those who fired the missile.

Al-Jazeera Baghdad correspondent Taysir Alluni speaking on al-Jazeera television

American and Iraqi forces have been exchanging fire and unfortunately, our office is being used as a cover for that fire, sometimes by the American forces and sometimes by the Iraqi forces.

Abu Dhabi television journalist reporting on Wednesday morning fighting

The lack of international criteria and rules governing wars has become clear after the strikes against civilian installations, including journalists covering the war and trying to establish the truth.

Al-Ahram - Egypt

What happened yesterday in Baghdad when journalists were attacked was not a mere warning. The enemy will not refrain from attacking its supporters as long as that allows it to hide the crimes it perpetrates against Iraq and its people.

Al-Khalij - United Arab Emirates

Yesterday was a day of slaughter for the media and journalists, who are the defenders of truth and reveal events with genuine conscience to public opinion all over the world.

Al-Bayan - United Arab Emirates

Targeting the journalists in the manner which happened yesterday indicated that the coalition does not want the world to see these horrible pictures.

Al-Dustur - Jordan

If the international press organisation regards the killing of the journalist yesterday in Baghdad as a war crime, more bitter pain and tragedy is added when we learn that no-one has the ability to bring to justice those who committed the crime

Al-Ra'y - Jordan

No doubt that what the US has done in its aggressive war against Iraq has given a clear and strongly-worded message to all Arab and Muslim countries: this is the lesson and the method of dealing with you; you are free to choose!

Al-Watan - Qatar

Despite all that is happening we do not hear the voice of the UN. This makes us wonder whether the organisation was hit by friendly fire.

Al-Akhbar - Egypt

BBC Monitoring, based in Caversham in southern England, selects and translates information from radio, television, press, news agencies and the Internet from 150 countries in more than 70 languages.

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