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Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 January, 2004, 15:05 GMT
Sark abolishes death penalty
Sark has moved in line with European human rights laws

Politicians in Sark have finally abolished the death penalty.

Although the island's court did not have the power to impose the death-by-hanging sentence, it was still on its statute books.

Fourteen members of the island's government, the Chief Pleas, voted in favour of getting rid of it, but nine members wanted to retain the death penalty.

Like the rest of the Channel Islands, Sark's laws have evolved differently to those in the UK.

Unique character

The death penalty was effectively abolished in Jersey and Guernsey in the 1960s, although it remained on the statute books until last year.

The move was taken by Sark following pressure from the British and Guernsey authorities to bring the island, whose 580 residents live under a feudal political system, in line with European human rights legislation.

Sark politician, Deputy Paul Armorgie, said it was the sort of anomaly that gives the island its unique character.

He said none of the island deputies could find a record of anyone ever having been hanged on Sark.

But he said he resented the outside interference in Sark's affairs.

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