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Last Updated: Wednesday, 4 July 2007, 03:58 GMT 04:58 UK
Profile: Alan Johnston
Alan Johnston in Gaza (file picture)
Mr Johnston's posting in Gaza began in April 2004
BBC Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston has been freed by his captors after being kidnapped in Gaza City on 12 March 2007.

The reporter had been on his way home when he was taken at gunpoint by a group called the Army of Islam.

He was educated at Dollar Academy in Scotland and has an MA in English and politics from Dundee University.

The 45-year-old, who was born in Lindi, Tanzania, on 17 May 1962, also has a diploma in journalism studies.

Mr Johnston joined the BBC in 1991, working as a sub-editor in the BBC World Service Newsroom.

He then became the BBC's correspondent in Tashkent, Uzbekistan - holding that position from 1993 to 1995.

Later he worked as the BBC Kabul correspondent, taking that post from 1997 to 1998.

Three-year posting

Mr Johnston returned to London and the BBC World Service to work as an editor on news and current affairs programme The World Today.

He eventually started working as a general reporter in the BBC World Service newsroom.

His three-year posting to Gaza as BBC correspondent began in April 2004, where he has worked for all BBC outlets in both radio and television.

His immediate family includes his parents Graham and Margaret and his sister Katriona.

Speaking after his release, Mr Johnston said: "It's just the most fantastic thing to be free."

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