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Last Updated: Monday, 25 June 2007, 11:28 GMT 12:28 UK
Firefighters pelted with missiles
Firefighters were attacked by a group of about 20 youths after putting out a car fire in Coventry.

A crew from Foleshill Fire Station was called to Ashorne Close in Wood End on Sunday evening.

Once the fire was extinguished, the windscreen of the fire engine was smashed and the vehicle was pelted with bricks and stones.

A bottle was thrown and struck the driver. No-one was injured but the crew were left shaken, a spokesman said.

Mark Taylor, operations commander for Coventry, said: "The driver was obviously having to navigate the vehicle with his head out the window because of the smashed windscreen and he was struck on the head by that bottle.

The people responsible for the attack have no regard for the safety of their community
West Midlands Fire Service spokesman

"Thankfully he did have his helmet on still so we avoided any sort of serious injury.

"It's fair to say that this sort of attack is now a reality.

"I am shocked and saddened that firefighters have been assaulted in this way while carrying out their work to protect the community.

"The people responsible for the attack have no regard for the safety of their community."

The fire engine damaged in the attack is now out-of-use until it can be repaired and a spare vehicle is being used to ensure appropriate levels of cover are maintained, he added.

West Midlands Police has been informed of the incident and are investigating.

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