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BBC News
watch One-Minute World News
7 July attacks
Russell Square
Graphic of train showing where explosion happened
Piccadilly line: Explosion in first carriage by second set of double doors
Graphic showing location of the bombed train between King's Cross and Russell Square stations, and explaining difference between deep tube tunnels and shallower sub-surface lines.

At 0850 BST a bomb exploded on Piccadilly line train number 331 travelling south from King's Cross station to Russell Square.

The device was next to the rear set of double doors in the front carriage of the train. Twenty-six people, plus the bomber, were killed. More than 340 were injured.

On board the train was BBC News reporter Jacqui Head, who described the immediate aftermath: "There was immediately smoke everywhere and it was very hot and everybody panicked. People started screaming and crying."

After emergency services arrived and survivors were led to safety, recovery teams and investigators began work.

The Piccadilly line is 21.3 metres (70 feet) below ground at this point. Intense heat of up to 60C, dust, fumes, vermin, asbestos and initial concerns the tunnel might collapse delayed the extraction of bodies and the forensic operation.

The bomber was later named as Germaine Lindsay, aged 19.

People walking along the tube tracks to safety, image taken by mobile phone

I started to shake with the relief of being alive
Rachel McFayden

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