Visualizing the Revolution

15 Jun

This video has been one of the most moving and inspiring visuals that I have played over and over, probably every night, prior to the January 25th revolution. Ever since I came across Nasser Nouri‘s powerful images especially from Mahalla, I became totally inspired. The Mahalla up-rise on April 6th 2008 not only inspired youth movements like April 6, but most importantly it visualized the revolution; gave us hope that it is possible. Three years later and this video could’ve been in Tahrir. Thank you Mahalla, thank you brave Egyptian workers, and thank you Nasser Nouri for making many believe that revolution is possible.

One Response to “Visualizing the Revolution”

  1. Marvel June 21, 2011 at 3:14 pm #

    chants against mubarak are history now and i still can’t believe i won’t chant “يسقط يسقط حسني مبارك ” again..that’s just beautiful

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