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AdZe's Oracle Screensaver

Free to Copy and Use

(PC Windows only)

Sample of AdZe's Oracle screen:
AdZe's Oracle is a form of universal intelligence. It will answer your questions but only if you concentrate. Then it will tell you about what is really going on. Sort of like a private cyber-Nostradamus. Now, your personal AdZe's Oracle can be available whenever you have a pressing question or want great party entertainment. Beautifully illustrated by MOTTASIA.

AdZe's screen saver displays current phase of moon with shooting stars and a reading for each phase. Calendar function lets you check out the phase of moon and reading for your birthday. Looks really cool with the lights turned low.

Sample of AdZe's Screensaver screen:

Installation of AdZe's Oracle Screensaver is easy. It takes about 3 minutes at 28.8kb, it's 363k bytes. When you click on the link below, to download the ADZEFREE.EXE file of AdZe's Oracle Screensaver your browser will display a dialog like this:

Hit: Save to Disk.

Make a note of the File Name.

Download AdZe's Oracle Screensaver

Both the Oracle and the Screensaver are contained in one file!

When the download is done and you've left the browser, use Windows Program Manager select File and click on Run. Type the File Name you noted above and hit ENTER.

If you're using AOL the directions are the same but dialog will look like this:

Now you can enjoy AdZe's Oracle Screensaver. Remember, it's free to copy and use. Thank you. Please tell your friends.

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Text Copyright © 1996 AdZe MiXXe. Graphics Copyright © 1996 MOTTASIA.
Doug Walker, V.P. Sales and Marketing
Eric S. Tiedemann * WebMaster
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
The computer genius in AdZe's Oracle Screensaver is on loan from God as John G Derrickson.
For entertainment purposes only.