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SuperPower Reports

The Star Bios are SuperPower Reports. They are not traditional biographies in the sense that they detail a chronology of events. Even the reports for those celebrities whose lives are part of our historical record are not changed in any way with reference to history, but are published unaltered, as generated by my computer program.

Star Bios do not exploit 20/20 hindsight. The specific text for each report derives only from the relative planetary positions at birth. The Star Bios are the same type of report that I give to my clients. These SuperPower Reports summarize the most powerful astrological influences on a particular individual, and are extracts from my more complete, individually prepared, natal report -- The Story of Your Life.

SuperPower Reports are written from the perspective that life is what you make it. The thoughts you hold in your mind, the emotional passion you put into your ideas and the actions you take -- these are what seem to count, as far as I can tell. I present these stellar personality profiles in the manner of a special coach and a cheerleader. And, if you follow the links to the astrology words, you will get the added bonus of an astrology lesson. . . . Go get em!

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Text Copyright © 1995 AdZe MiXXe. Graphics Copyright © 1995 MOTTASIA.
Eric S. Tiedemann * WebMaster
For entertainment purposes only.