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GeoCities Community Leaders

Here are the Community Leaders for the neighborhood. They are homesteaders who have volunteered to watch over your community and help their neighbors set up home pages, answer questions, and generally keep everything running smoothly. You'll see them in the chat rooms and newsgroups, and they may even e-mail you directly to introduce themselves. Feel free to contact them directly if you have questions -- they're here to help.

If you're interested in becoming a Community Leader yourself, please read our Information Page for more details on the program.

taikoboy (Jeff Tani)
CollegePark 10001
Jeff, a former GeoCities employee, has gone back to school at the University of California at Irvine, but his knowledge of GeoCities is still second to none. Have a question? Ask him. He is an invaluable source of information and is looking forward to getting to know his fellow GeoCitizens.
Rlmack (Rebecca Mack)
CollegePark 1055
Rebecca is a psychology major with a minor in computer engineering. She is a HTML Writers Guild Member and creates web pages for Virginia Tech. She is on the internet every other hour during the week and is always available. If you send her an email, she will answer you within 4 hours. Go to Rebecca for help with web page creation, GeoCities procedures, or anything that involves the Internet. You can find out more about her on her homepage.
Esotarious (Brent De Vries)
CollegePark 1095
Brent is a student at the University of California Irvine who manages to find time to play in a band, surf the net, write, run and play strategic games.
Ambrix (Patrick)
CollegePark 1299
Patrick’s page is a humble contribution to the flow of information around the world. He's a computer science major at the US Naval Academy, where he does drama, picks on the freshmen and plays disc football in the spring.
Amazing_Abby (Abby)
CollegePark 1306
Abby is in her first year of college and is definitely having an interesting experience - okay, she's loving it. She created her first homepage over a year ago and knows how it is to be starting out. Feel free to mail her with any questions or to ask for an opinion. Si Ud. habla espanol y tiene preguntas e-mail Abby y ella ayudarle. Hace dos anos que estudia el espanol.
CollegePark 1919
Lizbeth was one of the first members in CollegePark. She is a student of electronic media, which means she can help you with art, HTML and some javascript.
Felnagle (Catherine Felnagle)
CollegePark 3219
Catherine is a freshman at the University of Arizona majoring in Russian. She hopes to work for the State Department someday.
JonAllen (Jon Allen)
CollegePark 1534
Jon is a student at Wabash College in Indiana. He's big into baseball, especially the Atlanta Braves. He also loves to play the trumpet. Il parle francais aussi. Au revoir!

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