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Macintosh WWW Pointers

Welcome! This page is devoted primarily to items of interest to Macintosh users. I'm currently using a Macintosh LCIII with a 28.8 dial-up PPP connection. Please help keep these pages up to date by submitting your favorite Macintosh WWW pointers.

For those interested in Java, visit East of Java, my collection of Java resources.

Table of Contents

  1. Essential Macintosh Sites - pointers to essential Macintosh information on the Internet.
  2. Macintosh Software Archives - freeware/shareware software archives.
  3. Macintosh News - the latest Apple/Macintosh News.
  4. Macintosh Periodicals - newletters and e-zines.
  5. Interesting Macintosh Pages - miscellaneous resources and cool stuff on the Internet.
  6. Apple Computer on the Web - Apple's Web servers.
  7. Favorite Macintosh Products - these are the products I think you must have.
  8. Top 10+ Macintosh Internet Clients and Utilities - I couldn't pick just 10.
  9. Macintosh Shopping/Price Guides - prices and sources for new and used Macintosh computers, peripherals and software.
  10. Macintosh Newsgroups - a collection of Macintosh-related Usenet newsgroups.
  11. Macintosh Indexes and Home Pages - including many submitted pages.
  12. Macintosh Programming - source code, developer support and information.
  13. PPP Instructions - a guide to connecting a Macintosh to the Internet with Mac PPP.
  14. Macintosh Jobs & Consultants - links to placement firms, consultant directories and so forth.
Index - covers these and other Macintosh pages
Ergoware logo Macintosh WWW Pointers is sponsored by LBI, Inc., maker of ErgoWare ergonomic computer accessories.

Essential Macintosh Sites

Macintosh Software Archives

Macintosh News

Macintosh Periodicals

Interesting Macintosh Pages

Many, many visitors during 1997.
[ Essential sites | Software archives | Periodicals | Interesting sites ]
[ Apple servers | Favorite products | Internet clients | Shopping ]
[ Newsgroups | Programming | PPP instructions | Jobs ]

My photo
Please send comments/suggestions to
Copyright © 1995-1997, Jay J. Myers. All rights reserved.
Macintosh WWW Pointers is provided as a free service to the Internet community
by Myers Consulting Services
Thanks to New Mexico Internet Access for hosting this page.