
Zachary Nixion Johnson is the last private detective on the planet Earth. He is a person of above average intelligence who is also bold, fairly honest and awfully darn persistent. He is also scared of heights, afraid of commitment and tends towards the lazy side. While Zach is not an expert in the martial arts (like his agent claims) he is still apt at the martial arts and therefore able to take care of himself so he is usually able to think or fight his way out of most situations. (He carries a fancy high tech gun: a Colt 45 version 2a and he has been known to wear a pair of bracelets that are actually physical ability enhancers to help him out of the more difficult dilemmas.) He has a degree in computer science from NY University. The strange middle name is due to the fact that his mom was a big history buff and either a lousy speller or had a strange sense of humor.