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GeoCities SunsetStrip Community Leaders

Here are the Community Leaders for the SunsetStrip neighborhood. They are homesteaders who have volunteered to watch over your community and help their neighbors set up home pages, answer questions, and generally keep everything running smoothly. You'll see them in the chat rooms and newsgroups, and they may even e-mail you directly to introduce themselves. Feel free to contact them directly if you have questions -- they're here to help.

If you're interested in becoming a Community Leader yourself, please read our Information Page for more details.

The SunsetStrip leaders have set up a neighborhood resource center at SunsetStrip/Palms1059 where you'll find pointer to important GeoCities features and a list of leaders' block assignments.

squire (Pat Gallagher)
Pat loves working on the Internet, not only with his own homepage, but also exploring for new and exciting content. He's not very good with Java but has a good working knowledge of HTML. His interests include music (listening and playing), Rollerblading and radio (he's a broadcasting student). He's willing to help anyone out, and if there's a question he can't answer, he'll find the answer.
aarongrant (Aaron Grant)
Aaron is a high school senior who loves all music (okay, some more than others). He's currently working on his school's home page.
Washburn (Eric St. Amand)
Eric likes to play his Stratocaster (electric guitar) and program. He's captain of his high school programming team, which took first place in the Kent County Programming Competition.
Dimentia (Robert Cassar)
Robert was too shy to write something about himself!
Glassonion (Ben Greaney)
Ben got into the Beatles because he really likes their music, both the sound of it and what it promotes -- love, peace and understanding.
Sixgunner (Dave Sitoski)
Dave chose Sunset Strip because he is a big fan of rock 'n' roll (specifically Guns 'N Roses) and the nightlife. He loves finding solutions to impossible problems.
Dkearney (Daniel Kearney)
The first time he heard They Might Be Giants, Daniel decided they were the greatest band ever, so he's dedicated his site to them.
Misko (Michael Nelson)
Misko is an audio engineer/producer and owns his own record label. His first love is helping the unsigned with demos or advice on h ow to proceed in search of that elusive deal.
Modman (Jeff Friedrich)
Jeff is happy to help with HTML or Java questions. He's often in the SunsetStrip chat room.
Enigma25 (Cynthia Miller)
SunsetStrip 8048
Cynthia spends a lot of time studying new ideas for web design and is willing to spend as much time as needed to help the members of SunsetStrip.
SunsetStrip 9947
Lonni is a high school junior who is pretty good at HTML and would be happy to answer any and all questions. Lonni loves the Beatles and has been playing classical piano for 11 years.
The_porch (Greg Benedict)
SunsetStrip/Alley 4883
Music is a very important part of Greg’s life, especially Pearl Jam. He enjoys designing web pages -- it can be very frustrating, but it’s also exciting when you have the finished product. The internet is a relief from the everyday stresses of Greg’s college life at Purdue University.
riot-guy (David Shapiro)
Dave moved into GeoCities' SunsetStrip neighborhood almost a year ago because he's a big fan of riot grrrl music and loves punkrock! He'll be happy to critique your site and answer any questions about HTML &/or Javascript to the best of his ability.
GeoPumpkin (Gary Phillips)
GeoPumpkin is a computer programmer wannabe. He loves to program in C++ and HTML. He also enjoys listening to rock/alternative/pop music and playing the guitar. If you need any help with HTML programming, page design, etc. then feel free to contact him. He loves getting e-mail and helping people out.

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