vrml models


Try out the VRML Mall - a 3D gallery of these Models

All these files pass vrmllint, and they are all gzip compressed. Median size of these models is 18 kb, average size is 63 kb. If you have models or links you would like included, please add you own link

First of all, here is a really nice Aztec City (376 kb) which I converted from DXF to VRML format. Very big. For more information about this model, see the credits.


Animals (9)
Buildings (28)
CDF (1)
Chemistry (5)
Chess (7)
DXF (52)
Doom (9)
Food (7)
Furniture (22)
Geography (3)
Household (31)
Jack (12)
Machines (13)
Military (17)
Misc (3)
Music (5)
People (16)
Plants (6)
SGI (4)
Tools (18)
Toys (29)
Vehicles (28)
User Links (57)

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October 19, 1996