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"There is a tide..."

AdZe's Fall Weather Forecast: Below Average temperature with early frost and snow.


New Moon

Full Moon

Mercury Retrograde Periods

Love Stars

Stellar Times For Sales

Job Market Star Guide

Real Estate Market Star Guide

Advance Storm Warnings

Predicted Headlines

Stock Market Forecast


While the elite have historically made use of astrology, much of it has been a private affair.

Public astrology almanacs are an American tradition begun by Benjamin Franklin, the guy on the $100 dollar bill. A copy of his Poor Richard's Almanac is on permanent display at the Franklin Institute Museum in Philadelphia. Even before Ben did his thing, astrology almanacs were popular in England, and date all of the way back to ancient Babylon and the earliest written words. The idea central to an astrology almanac is to look ahead and plan ahead and to get a good feel for the future. After all, "forewarned is forearmed."

I've been publishing astrology Almanacs since 1984. On the public record I've successfully predicted the collapse of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the stock market high of 1996, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Hurricane Andrew, the fall of Marcos and Baby Doc, the ice storms of 1993-4, the Blizzard of 1996, Frank Sinatra's success with "Duets", Clinton's victory over Bush and many, many others.

Starting now we will keep absolute records at adze.com. Past issues of the almanac will go in archives. You're invited to print out this page and keep track of our success. With AdZe's Almanac you can keep abreast of changes and cope with millennium madness.


All things being equal, the first light of the New Moon is an excellent time to begin new projects. Take that first step towards a goal that matters to you. Go ahead and initiate that action plan on the first light of the New Moon. Make a new beginning.

The next new moon is on April 7 6:05 AM EST (11:02 GMT)


The Full Moon brings activity to a peak. All things being equal, it is a great time for a business to have a sale and attract lots of customers. It's also a good time to stage an event where you want to attract lots of attention and emotional participation. The effects of the Full Moon start the day before and can last for up to three days after. This is when you want your movie to premier, your book to go on sale, and your wild party with friends.

To really capitalize on the power of a Full Moon, make two lists. Make a list of what you "have to do" and a list of what you "feel like doing." Find places where the lists overlap. Proceed in that direction. This is not the time for all or nothing posturing. Seek reconciliation between opposing forces. Compromise is not a sell out when it creates balance.

The next full moon is on March 23 11:45 PM EST (4:02 March 24 GMT)


During "Mercury Retrograde" periods there is an inverse relationship between hurrying and true accomplishment. Put in other words, "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get."

In practical terms, it's a good time to finish old business. It's a excellent time to reconsider, renew, review, reconcile, re-explore and other "re" themes. People will be changing their minds. False starts are possible. Allow for contingency plans. For now, put aside your pen and start using a pencil with a big eraser. Pay attention. Stop, Look & Listen.

Folks in sales successfully use this time to return to previous contacts and give the deal another try.

This is an opportune time to catch up on paper work and clean up your files. Also, go through your attic, basement and closets. Get rid of old junk. If you aren't using it get rid of it. Throw it out, sell it or give it away. Have a garage sale. You can attract what you want by making a space for it. This is a good time to return to procedures that worked well for you in the past. Get back on that diet and exercise program.

This is also a highly auspicious time of year for "stop smoking" plans to get an extra cosmic boost for success. And, since the planet Mercury has an affinity for the winds, we can expect stormy weather and wind patterns to change on or around the beginning and ending of Mercury Retrograde Periods.

The next Mercury Retrograde period is December 23, 1996 at 2:39 PM EST (7:39) GMT until January 12, 1996 at 3:35 PM EST (5:35) GMT


Good days for first dates, romantic dates, and passionate dates.

January 17, 20, 24, February 5, 7, 14 March 25 passionate date
January 17, 19, February 12, March 2, 19, 22, 27 first date
January 7, 17, February 1, 5, 26, March 10, 19 romantic date


I'm a big "believer" in sales. I think it is Zig Zigler who says, "Nothing happens until a sale is made." I've got one half hour set aside twice a day for sales calls. These are excellent times to schedule meetings, make telephone calls, mail important letters, send out faxes etc.

11 AM-1 PM Local Time


The following periods provide an excellent time to find a job. Use these times to mail out resumes, schedule job interviews or just show up and volunteer to work. Also, these are excellent dates to hire competent help, run help wanted ads and start new employees.

January 27, 27, February 23, 24, March 21, 22


The following dates are best to list real estate for quick sale. The best times are 11AM to 1PM local time. These times are also good for listing rental properties.

January 17, February 25, March 26, April 10, June 30

ADVANCE STORM WARNINGS: Global Storm Watch and Forecast

Winter of 1996-7 will feature below average temperatures and below average precipitation except in certain areas such as the coastline of the Eastern USA which will experience major flooding. Look for major weather disturbances such as the formation of tropical storms, the arrival of major storms, heavy showers, major winds and such on the following dates and times (plus or minus 48 hours).

Keep up to date on current weather with The National Severe Storms Lab.

January 9 and 12
February 6, 13 and 16,
March 8
May 1 and 13
June 9, 16 and 23
August 1 and 13


All times are eastern.

Terrorism and other Pluto stories March 5,1997
War initiated (by soon to be loser) February 5, 1997 8:23 PM
1999 and 2000 Rodney Dangerfield nominated for Academy Awards
2000 Vice-President of USA assumes office of the President.
Libertarian elected President of USA November 2, 2004

Who consults an astrologer before making stock trades? "North Americans have no idea how seriously Europeans take mystical investing," says one Crédit Suisse banker.
The New York Times, Sunday, March 12, 1995

Like everything under the sun and moon, the stock market follows rhymthic patterns. Invest at your own risk. AdZe or anyone associated with this Web Site is not responsible for your choices.

Short-Term Stock Market Direction Changes
There is a 90% chance that the market will change direction within 36 hours of the following dates.

January 13, February 7, 26, March 4, April 2, 23, May 16, 29, July 3.

80% chance the market will bottom out in 1997.

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Text Copyright © 1995 AdZe MiXXe. Graphics Copyright © 1995 MOTTASIA.
Eric S. Tiedemann * WebMaster
For entertainment purposes only.