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The way we see it...
We make every effort to provide world-class user support and customer service. This is our first priority. We get over 1000 people a day sign up and are close to 100,000 registered users. We get a shocking amount of e-mail, and are continually trying to find ways to polish the processes in place. This all takes a great amount of time and effort. Please do your part by reading the FAQ, Checking our Guestbook Support Conference/Forum, and referring to our utilities page to help solve your problems. 99.9% of all guestbook problems are quickly solved by the utilities page alone.
If after scouring our pages, your question is not answered, send email to ReadTheFAQIf you do send us email, don't expect a quick reply. Why? Think of it this way... If every person that uses our service only sent us one email EVER, we would recieve over 1,000 emails per day. Also, the answer to almost every email we receive can be more quickly answered by one of our other support methods.
Typical Questions of New Users
Registering and Passwords
Missing Guestbook Entries
Guestbook Server Errors
Modifying Entries in the Guestbook
Can I create my own custom form to sign the guestbook?
Viewing in Other Languages
Changing the "View My Guestbook" to look like I want it to
Can I create a Mailing list from my Guests?
What are the costs for the guestbook server?
Our utilities page *not part of the FAQ*

Typical Questions/Problems for New Users

Back Up

Registration and or Passwords :

Back Up

Missing Entries :

Back Up

Errors :

Back Up

Modifying Entries :

Back Up

Custom Form :

Back Up

Viewing Your guestbook in other languages

Back Up

Changes to Viewing Your Guestbook:

Back Up

Create a Mailing List :

Back Up

Costs for the guestbook server :

Back Up

If you do not, after *really* reading, see your question here, Send us Email.