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Help is here!

Not everyone is an expert in graphic design, so a number of your neighbors have volunteered to help create banners for the GeoRewards program. Feel free to ask for their assistance -- they're waiting for your e-mail. When sending your request to them be sure to give them as much information as possible, including your e-mail address, your homestead address, and (of course) what you'd like the banner to say.

One request: please don't ask more than one person at a time to create a banner for you. You'll only end up using one, and it would be rude to ask someone to do work for free when you know you're never going to use it.

Choose Your Neighborhood
If your neighborhood doesn't have any volunteers, select any volunteer
Area51 Athens BourbonStreet Baja
Broadway CapeCanaveral CapitolHill CollegePark
Colosseum EnchantedForest Eureka Heartland
Hollywood HotSprings MotorCity NapaValley
Nashville Paris RainForest ResearchTriangle
RodeoDrive SiliconValley SoHo SouthBeach
SunsetStrip TelevisionCity TheTropics TimesSquare
Tokyo Vienna WallStreet Wellesley
WestHollywood Yosemite

We're currently looking for volunteers from Area51, Baja, CapitolHill, CollegePark, Eureka, MotorCity, NapaValley, Nashville, RainForest, RodeoDrive, TheTropics, Vienna, WallStreet, Wellesley, and Yosemite.

Let us know if you're interested in being on the list.

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