Hear great music...win CD's...click here!
Hear great music...win CD's...click here!

I'm Ready to Get Started.

There are a few simple steps to begin participating in GeoRewards:
  1. Read this page in full to get an idea of exactly what you'll need to do.

  2. Fill out a brief registration form.

  3. Wait for GeoCities to take a quick look at your site to assure it meets our Content Guidelines. You'll get a response from us as fast as we can. Please do not resubmit your registration, as it will only place you further back in the queue, and delay our response to you. If you are wondering about our response time, please check our "time; in the queue" page to determine the current waiting time.

  4. Our e-mail will include a few specifics:
    • The HTML you'll need to cut-and-paste into your site coding, which enables your pages to accept banners. These codes must be placed at the top of any page in your site you choose to place a banner, After you've inserted the code on your page, go to the Banner Enabler to start feeding banners to your page. You need to use the Enabler each time you choose another page on your site where banners will appear.
    • Specifications for the banner you'll create: a 468x60 pixel GIF or JPG file that's no larger than 8KB;
    • If you can't or don't want to create your own banner, you'll be given a list of GeoCities homesteaders who have volunteered to help you or build one for you.

  5. Now, you'll want to get your completed banner to us. Upload the file to your GeoCities directory using the established FTP method, or make use of our new and simplified ftp upload procedure.

  6. Next we'll direct you to a page where you'll fill out a simple form to let us know you've sent it.
From there, you just sit back and have fun! Well, you'll want to keep improving your site, too, but that's the most fun part. That's all there is to it.

Why not register for GeoRewards right now? Register me!"

We'd love to hear your comments about this new program.

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