Counter 4.0

HTML Access Counter

Not only are you the 2509791st visitor to this page, you are also the

 #####  #######   ###    #####  #######  #####     #                
#     # #        #   #  #     # #    #  #     #   ##    ####  ##### 
      # #       #     # #     #     #   #     #  # #   #        #   
 #####  ######  #     #  ######    #     ######    #    ####    #   
#             # #     #       #   #           #    #        #   #   
#       #     #  #   #  #     #   #     #     #    #   #    #   #   
#######  #####    ###    #####    #      #####   #####  ####    #   

As mentioned in the September 25, 1995 issue of PC Week!

News flash!

The counter 4.0 is out! Some of the unique features you'll find in this counter are:

After you've looked through what we have here, you might want to fill out our feedback form so we can make the counter better suit your needs.

Quick Start

For a quick guide to what you have to do to get a counter on your page, just read through the installation guide. If you have any problems, please read the FAQ and other related documentation before asking me for help. It's very hard to answer everyone personally for documented things.

Before you ask me if you can use the counter on Windows, Windows-NT or Macintosh please read my short explanation on what I need to know to tell you the answer.


What's new
A list of new features that this version includes.
Where you can get the counter.
Simple step-by-step instructions on how to get the counter to work on your system.
Site Specific Information
The counter can be configured to the needs of nearly any web server. Information on how it's done. (Most site's don't need to)
Server-Side Includes How-To
A step-by-step guide to how to turn on server-side includes on your server.
Many of the features of the counter can be set on-the-fly. Here's a description of how to do it.
Figlet Font List
A list of fonts that are availible for use with Figlet, which can work nicely with the counter.
A Frequently Asked Questions list to help you get started.
A note to NetSite users
Netsite is broken in a minor way. Please read this before complaining to me... bug them to fix it.
Version History
A list of all the publicly released versions of the counter to date.

If you have any problems with getting the counter to work after reading the step-by-step installation directions and the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list then you can send mail to and we'll see if we can give you a hand.

The HTML Access Counter is copyright © 1995 by George Burgyan. This program is placed under the GNU Public License.

The HTML Access Counter is sponsored by
NetForce Development, Inc.