You've Gone Inside!

The ISP Report

by David Boles

January 1, 1998

Welcome to this month's Go Inside Magazine Internet Service Provider (ISP) Report.  We here at Go Inside use the internet daily and daylong in order to bring you, one of our beloved 1.2 million readers a month, the web of the world. 

We take everything into account in these rankings... network connectivity, call drops, throughput, newsgroup robustness, ISP friendliness, willingness to help, intelligent tech support, avenues of support, network status online, problem reports online, speed of experience, extras, honoring end user privacy, ease of use and we give them all equal weight because only everything bound together builds the complete "internet experience" for you in the end.  Your mileage may vary from our rankings.  If so, be sure to let us know.

Beware that these rankings are subjective and, perhaps, even a little whimsical, but what "Best of" list isn't?  These ISPs are ranked on day in and day out reliability and performance in our Jederman end user experience. 

Here's how it works:  We have rotating pools of Go Inside Premier Members who track and report their experiences with various ISPs around the world each month.   They then fill out a form and send the results back to us for tabulation.  We then add those experiences with my experience and the experiences of the Go Inside masthead Editors.  We then total the results to come up with our monthly ISP Report.

If you are a local, national or international Internet Service provider interested in being a part of this ongoing ranking, please touch this to find out how to participate.


Onward with the update!

The 1998 January Rankings

  1.  MindSpring  
  2.  Concentric Network
  3.  Prodigy Internet
  4.  Microsoft Network
  5.  America Online
  6.  CompuServe
  7.  AT&T Worldnet
  8.  Sprynet
  9.  Earthlink
  MCI 2000


GO INSIDE ISP of the Month!  (4326 bytes)MindSpring is our Number One ISP for this month and we've presented them with this exclusive award you can see at the left.  If you want a nationwide, nonpareil, Internet Service Provider, be sure to check out MindSpring and tell 'em Go Inside sent you!   As per usual, if you have any thoughts or feedback on these (or any other) ISPs, please touch my hotlinked name at the head of this article and share your experiences!

GO INSIDE ISP of the YEAR! (4584 bytes)New for 1998, we'll tally up the ISP winners for each month and name The Go Inside  ISP of the Year!  Be sure to watch for it, won't you?  The winner gets the award you see displayed at the right!  Here's what we have so far for this year:

The 1998 Tally for ISP of the Year

MindSpring = 1


And that's it for this month!

Best Wishes for the New Year,

David Boles
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Go Inside Magazine



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Copyright © 1998 by David Boles
"Go Inside" is a David Boles Trademark