
Helpful Sites
Information is what it's about on the 'net. When millions of people are networked together, the collective knowledge is astounding. Anything you've ever wanted to know on web design is available on the Internet--you just have to know where to find it.

MindSpring Community
We invite you to participate in the
mindspring.www news group where other MindSpringers can tell you their secrets.
Note: The mindspring.www news group is only accessible if you are dialing in to MindSpring.

Advertising and Marketing
When you are done creating and publishing your web page, you might want to
advertise your pages so that everyone can know where they are there and what they are all about.

If you would like a web site that has your own address (, then you can sign up for a
Web Hosting Account online. If you want to know more about domains and how they work here at MindSpring, see our Domain FAQ. If you have requested a Web Hosting Account, you will get mail when it has been created.

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