What is GeoCities?

GeoCities is the world's largest and fastest growing community on the Internet. More than 1.6 million consumers ("homesteaders") have created their free personal home pages in GeoCities, and thousands more sign up every day. These homesteaders build their homepages in one of 40 themed neighborhoods - communities where people with similar interests share ideas, browse great content areas, hold forums, chat and more. Homesteaders also receive a free email account.

The content created by our homesteaders generates hundreds of millions of page views every month, and GeoCities is consistently ranked as one of the top-5 highest reach sites by PC/Meter. GeoCities combines high traffic levels, special-interest community structure, and the latest ad targeting technology to offer creative, high-impact advertising programs. Many of the top brands on the Internet have used GeoCities to reach their target audience.

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