Nation: Candidate Reagan Is Born Again

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So far, Connally has not decided whether to fight Reagan in the California primary on June 3, but the Texan's supporters in California have been working hard to strengthen his chances. They are trying to change the present law under which the victor in the California primary —undoubtedly Reagan —would automatically win all of California's 168 delegates to next year's G.O.P. convention. The anti-Reagan forces would like to revise the law so that if no candidate got 50% of the primary vote, the huge California delegation would be proportionately divided among the winner and the losers. Reagan supporters remain blithely convinced that however the matter is resolved, their man can win the nomination.

Reagan lost a longtime aide last month when Lyn Nofziger resigned, but the Reagan staff still appears to be quite strong. Campaign Manager John Sears is building a national organization and concentrating on those "first wave" states that will hold primaries or caucuses before April 1. The goal of Finance Director Michael Deaver is to raise a $12 million campaign fund by June.

The candidate himself is looking well, conveying an image of sun-dappled middle age. His hair is no longer "prematurely orange," to recall Gerald Ford's devastating remark from the 1976 campaign, but a dull and uniform brown. He stands tall (6 ft. 1 in.) and mixes smoothly and easily with the party faithful.

One crucial question about his political future is whether his traditional supporters will accept a shift toward the center. Reagan fell into a similar trap in the 1976 campaign, when he alienated many of his followers by naming Richard Schweiker, a relatively liberal Senator, as his running mate. William Roberts, who is directing the Connally campaign in the West, professes satisfaction over the Reagan strategy. Hearing reports that a "new" Reagan is on the way, Roberts scoffs: "He could get into trouble even before he says anything." · on Digg


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KHATTIYA SAWATDIPHOL, a renegade general who allied himself with Thailand's anti-government protesters, in his last words before he was shot in the head and critically wounded during a government crackdown on the red-shirt demonstrators
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