Advantages and disadvantages of List PR —

Electoral Systems

political science

Posted by Pierre Yves Jean Charles at Feb 11, 2011 04:02 PM
what are the difference between proportional representation and 'first past the '/'winner takes all' electoral

ACE Encyclopaedia

Posted by Facilitator - Licia Nicoletti at Feb 11, 2011 05:48 PM
Dear Charles,

Electoral systems differ in the way they translate national votes into legislative seats. In this perspective, PR systems try to reduce the disparity between a party's percentage of the national vote and its share of the parliamentary seats, so if a party wins 30% of the votes, it should win approximately 30% of the seats. In the Plurality/Majority systems, on the other hand, parties with the most votes are automatically declared the winners.

For more in-depth information on the advantages and disadvantages of each system, please take a look at this topic area. You are more than welcome to submit further questions or comments (

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The ACE Facilitators