Fayyad fears for economic achievements

Published September 5th, 2011 - 06:38 GMT
Al Bawaba
Al Bawaba

Tension is mounting within the Palestinian Authority as it prepares to request that Palestine receive full membership to the UN, in September.

Not all members of the Palestinian Authority are convinced of the need to complete this step.

According to reports leaked from closed meetings of the Authority's leadership, Salam Fayyad, President of the Palestinian Government, is one of the most important opponents of this step, reflecting the large gap in viewpoints between the Chairman of the Authority, the President and others.

Salam Fayyad represents the current pragmatic and practical members who wish to build a Palestinian state, the supporters of whom believe Abu Mazen is exposing Palestinians to risk, potentially pushing them towards political isolation in the international arena.

Unofficial reports revealed that Fayyad requested Abbas postpone his request to the UN, on concerns that the expected economic sanctions from the US, will lead to the collapse of the Palestinian Authority economically, financially and physically.

Saeb Erekat, who urges the Palestinian Authority to go to the UN, said that the US Administration assured him, during recent meetings in Washington, that it will use its veto power against Palestinian recognition in the UN. Erekat said the US administration also threatened to halt aid to the Palestinian Authority.

Fayyad leads the "end the invasion, build the country" plan. In 2009, Fayyad began implementing a program of state-building, beginning from the bottom and working its way to the top. The plan focuses on the establishment of political institutions and economic and financial ties to form a solid platform upon which to build a future Palestinian state.

Fayyad's plan has begun to show results, with economic growth in the West Bank at 9.3% last year, considered a great achievement in light of the various complexities on the ground. Markets are flourishing, business deals are up, and the standard of living is on the rise. The first cinema in 22 years in Nablus was recently opened.

Fayyad's government has focused its efforts on encouraging economic growth in the private sector to create jobs to reduce unemployment, prompting the International Community to continue providing political and financial support to the Palestinian Authority.

According to a World Bank report published in September 2010, "The fact that the Palestinian Authority keeps building institutions and providing public services makes it ready to establish the country in the close future". (Source: www.yallafinance.com)

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