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of the
Jewish Education Association of MetroWest
901 Route 10 East
Whippany, New Jersey 07981-1158
(973) 428-7400 Ext. 325

Open 9:30AM to 5:00PM Monday through Thursday
Open Wednesday Evening 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Open Sunday Morning 9:30AM to 12:00PM
Friday by appointment only

Last update: September 2001



to the JEWISH MEDIA LIBRARY, an additional service of the Waldor Memorial Library of the Jewish Education Association of MetroWest.

The JEWISH MEDIA LIBRARY is a basic resource for schools, communal organizations, and individuals who wish to make use of videos for education and entertainment. A constantly growing collection of media material is now at your disposal. Here's how to make the Jewish Media Library your media source:

1- Register at the Waldor Memorial Library in Whippany to receive your library membership card. A $2.00 fee is charged for the patron card and there is a rental fee of $3.00 per title per week ($.50 per day for overdue videos).
2- Use the JEWISH MEDIA LIBRARY CATALOG to select the material that you wish to borrow.
3- Check out your media materials in person from at the library.
4- Please rewind the video-tapes before returning them.


The media revolution has had a profound impact on the school, the synagogue and the home. Jewish studies can be enhanced with the help of Judaic media material in every classroom and every home.

This JEWISH MEDIA LIBRARY CATALOG, which includes the Jewish Heritage Video Collection (JHVC), is constantly updated and supersedes the June 2000 printed catalog.

For quick access, use the VIDEO TITLE INDEX or the VIDEO SUBJECT INDEX. The linked, annotated VIDEO DESCRIPTION provides a film synopsis, runtime, language, and age appropriate level for each of the videos in the collection. The availability of a Teacher/Leader's Guide is also indicated. All videos are in English, unless otherwise indicated.

The age/grade level audience recommendation codes are as follows:

K = Pre-school/kindergarten
P = Grades 1-3
E = Grades 4-6
S = Grades 7-12
A = Adults

We wish to thank the following for the use of their video descriptions: Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York, Jewish Video Library of Highland Park, NJ, Ergo Media, Inc. of Teaneck, NJ, and the Jewish Media Fund - Jewish Heritage Video Collection.

We thank our volunteers, Hilda Jaffe, Shirley Max, and the Library staff for their ongoing and invaluable assistance in building the catalog, and to Ron Weissman for creating the Webpage.

Bracha Weisbarth
Library Director
July 2001