Origin and Development of Categories of Calligraphy and Appreciation and Analysis of Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy consists of five categories of seal script,clerical script,cursive script,

running script and regular script.


Seal Script

The Seal script includes the large seal script and the small seal script. The so-called small seal is defined in relation to the large seal. Since the first Emperor of the Qin dynasty had unified the states into China, the texts used by the former six states were turned into the small seal script (Qin seal). The Seal script of and prior to the Warring States period is one of the large seal scripts. The Writing of a seal script is complicated. Such an inconvenience led to the seal script gradually being replaced by other types of scripts. Meanwhile, the seal script lost its practical function although its aesthetic function has been preserved. It has become the script of pure aesthetics up until the present day.


Small Seal Script

After he had merged the six states and established the Qin dynasty, the First Emperor of Qin ordered unification of words into the “small seal script” commonly known to us. The structure of the combination of the small seal script is relatively symmetrical. The shape of the characters appears rectangular, with a use of a curved brush. Beauty of balance is created.


*Selected Work


In the 28th year of the reign of the First Emperor of Qin (219BC), the emperor ascended Mount Tai. This work was created by the Prime Minister Li Si in honor of the achievements and virtues of the emperor.
Copy of Stone Inscription of Mountain Tai. Qin dynasty