The EP and the expectations of European citizens 

Parlemeter 2016 

This 2016 Parlemeter survey was conducted in the 28 Member States of the European Union from 24 September to 3 October 2016 by Kantar Public (formerly TNS opinion).

As in previous years, this survey focuses on how Europeans view the European Parliament, its image and its role, how much they know about the institution, as well as questions about membership of the European Union, identity, citizenship, political priorities and values.

As in any survey of this kind, in analysing the results, the national, European and international context in which the interviews were conducted needs to be taken into account.

In this case, the following trends can be identified:

  • Since 2012, there has been a steady increase in Parliament of the fight against terrorism and respect for individual freedoms as a priority policy for the European Parliament, and this is now in second place (42%, +8 compared with 2015).
  • Meanwhile, some other indicators remain relatively unchanged. A clear majority of Europeans still believe that being a member of the European Union is a good thing (53%, -2), and that their country has benefitted from this membership (60%, =).
    Likewise, around seven respondents in ten think that there is more solidarity amongst Europeans than issues which separate them (71%, -3). Nearly one European in two also shares the opinion that a harmonised social welfare system reinforces their feeling of being a European citizen (46%, +1).
    We also noted that the neutral image which Europeans have of the European Parliament (44%, -2), and the more significant role which they want to see it play (46%, +2), are two indicators which also remain stable. In addition, Europeans remain well informed about the European Parliament.
  • Finally, other results show a decline in this survey. For example, Europeans feel that their voice counts less and less, both at national and at European level. However, in 26 of the 28 Member States, they felt that their voice counts more in their own country (53% in average, -10 compared with 2015) than at EU level (37% in average, -2). When asked about the future situation, Europeans are increasingly pessimistic, both in the EU (54% « things are going in the wrong direction », +13 compared with 2015) and in their own country (58% « id. », +14),
    Among the various elements of European identity, a significant decline in the single currency as one of the essential elements is also noticeable (33%, -6), particularly in the Euro area.