[NuFact Logo] International scoping study of a future
Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility


The international scoping study of a future accelerator neutrino complex will be carried by the international community between NuFact05, Frascati, 21-26 June 2005, and NuFact06. The plan for the scoping study is summarised below. The physics case for the facility will be evaluated and options for the accelerator complex and neutrino detection systems will be studied. The principal objective of the study will be to lay the foundations for a full conceptual-design study of the facility. The plan for the scoping study has been prepared in collaboration by the international community that wishes to carry it out; the ECFA/BENE network in Europe, the Japanese NuFact-J collaboration, the US Muon Collider and Neutrino Factory Collaboration and the UK Neutrino Factory collaboration. CCLRC's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory will be the 'host laboratory' for the study.

The study will be directed by a Programme Committee advised by a Stakeholders Board. The work of the study will be carried out by three working groups; the Physics group, the Accelerator group, and the Detector group. The conveners of the three working groups are listed below. The plenary meeting will be held during the course of the year; at CERN in September 2005, at KEK in January 2006 and at RAL in April 2006. A final meeting will be held in Irvine just before NuFact06. The conclusions of the study will be presented at NuFact06 and published in a written report in September 2006.

Programme Committee

Chairman:Peter Dornan (Imperial College London)
Physics convener: Yorikiyo Nagashima (Osaka)
Accelerator convener: Mike Zisman (LBNL)
Detector convener: Alain Blondel (Geneva)

Physics Group Report
Accelerator Group Report
Detector Group Report

General information Meetings
ISS email list
Plenary meetings
Scoping Study Discussion Meeting
Working group pages International scoping study notes
Physics working group
Accelerator working group
Detector working group