City: Freedom from domestic violence is a human right

David Hill
dhill@ithacajournal.com | @Ijdavidhill

Nearly 150 people in Tompkins County are victims of domestic violence each year, according to a resolution Common Council adopted to join world and national leaders in declaring that freedom from domestic violence is a fundamental human right.

The resolution, adopted by acclamation March 4, calls on all city departments to incorporate the principle of freedom from domestic violence in their policies and practices. The resolution noted that over the past 25 years, Tompkins County has been a leader in response by starting an integrated domestic violence court, but that from 2010 through 2013, law enforcement agencies in the county together reported 147 victims a year.

The resolution also calls for a community study on finding gaps and barriers in services to violence survivors. It was forwarded to state leaders, other local governments, police agencies, judges and campus police agencies.

Follow David Hill on Twitter @Ijdavidhill.