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Cornell University

Yell Cornell

Department of Athletics and Physical Education Mission Statement

The Department of Athletics and Physical Education strives to provide students with powerful and meaningful participatory experiences that forge enduring bonds with Cornell, and to provide for the well-being of members of the faculty, staff, and community.

We offer a diverse program of physical and outdoor education, recreational services, and intercollegiate athletic competition, equitably administered with special attention to the needs of women and members of under-represented minority groups. We foster the values of physical fitness, total well-being, and enduring participation in athletics; teach leadership skills, teamwork, responsibility, and accountability; and administer programs that can be critical to the educational and personal development of students in keeping with the high standards of Cornell, the Ivy League, the Eastern College Athletic Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The department promotes pride and unity within the university community and provides opportunities to develop, strengthen, and maintain ties to external audiences such as alumni, friends, the educational community, and the general public by attracting interest, recognition, and support.