Spectrum Center (University of Michigan) Records


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Spectrum Center (University of Michigan) records

The materials in this online repository form part of a larger Spectrum Center (University of Michigan) record held by the Bentley Historical Library. For a more complete index to the materials, please consult the collection's online finding aid.

Researchers may also be interested in the Spectrum Center (University of Michigan) Web Archives.

For questions or more information, please contact the Bentley Historical Library's Division of Reference and Access Services

University of Michigan office dealing with human sexuality issues for students, faculty and staff. Records consist of administrative and topical files of the Spectrum Center and its predecessor offices, relating to the operation of the office, outreach programs, advocacy efforts, and background on university housing issues, same sex benefits, as well as local, state and national issues pertaining to LGBTQ rights. Documentation also includes posters, photos, audio-visual material, and digital files.

Please note:

Copyright is held by the Regents of the University of Michigan but the collection may contain third-party materials for which copyright is not held. Patrons are responsible for determining the appropriate use or reuse of materials. Persons granted access to the material in the "Oral History Interviews" series may--for most material--make single copies in lieu of notetaking of either the recorded or the transcripts of the recorded interviews. However, for M.E. Timpano's oral history, only researchers explicitly pursuing academic research may make single copies (in lieu of note taking) of only the interview transcript in lieu of notetaking. Additionally, M.E. Timpano's oral history materials can only be used for the explicit purpose of academic research.

Access to digitized sound recordings may be limited to the reading room of the Bentley Historical Library, located on the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan.

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