Open Access
March 2008 R. A. Fisher on Bayes and Bayes' theorem
John Aldrich
Bayesian Anal. 3(1): 161-170 (March 2008). DOI: 10.1214/08-BA306


Ronald Fisher blieved that "The theory of inverse probability is founded upon an error, and must be wholy rejected." This note describes how Fisher divided responsibility for the error between Bayes and Laplace. Bayes he admired for formulating the problem, producing a solution and then withholding it; Laplace he blamed for promulgating the theory and for distorting the concept of probability to accommodate the theory. At the end of his life Fisher added a refinement: in the Essay Bayes had anticipated one of Fisher's own fiducial arguments.


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John Aldrich. "R. A. Fisher on Bayes and Bayes' theorem." Bayesian Anal. 3 (1) 161 - 170, March 2008.


Published: March 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 22 June 2012

zbMATH: 1330.62005
MathSciNet: MR2383255
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/08-BA306

Keywords: Bayes' theorem , Dennis Lindley , inverse probability , Pierre-Simon Laplace , Ronald Fisher , Thomas Bayes

Rights: Copyright © 2008 International Society for Bayesian Analysis

Vol.3 • No. 1 • March 2008
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