When you publish in an Emerald Journal, the Journal Editorial Office and Supplier Project Manager are here to help you through the submission process. 

The appropriate contacts are listed on each journal homepage and the attached PDF provides a summary of who to contact for what.

Query typeMain contact
Where to submit, i.e., which journal would be appropriate for my article?

Submission is via the Journal home pages (Find a journal)

How to submit a manuscript:
Online submission concerns or technical issues
Journal Editorial Office (JEO) or ScholarOne Support
Peer review or paper status enquiries (pre-acceptance)
Journal Editor and / or Journal Editorial Office (JEO)
Queries around the publishing agreement forms that authors need to fill out after acceptance (or errors occurring in this process).
Journal Editorial Office (JEO)
Plagiarism, fraud or Conflict of Interest (COI) complaints
Publisher of the journal. This information can be found on the Journal's homepage Find a journal
Publication Enquiries
(post-acceptance, pre or post publication)

Supplier Project Manager
Report Errors, inaccuracies in published online content
Supplier Project Manager