Hello everyone!

My native language is Norwegian, please feel free to correct my English.

Personal Info

Location: Oslo, Norway By education I have a degree as Cand. Jur (i.e. Master of Law) from the University in Oslo, Norway.

I have been on wikipedia since the beginning as public site making contributions. Eventually, I also registered as Raven_rs when that became required.

I love ancient history, reading a lot of scientific papers. My main field of interests are egyptology, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Climatology, Ancient Assyria, Ancient Hittite, Ancient Yamhad, Ancient Sumer, Ancient Babylon etc.

Some articles I have started or major contributions

Dedusobek Bebi was an Egyptian high official in the obscure Second Intermediate Period of Egypt.

Nebpu; was an Egyptian high priest in the Late 12th Dynasty of Egypt.

Caecina Tuscus; was part of the royal court of emperor Nero.

Nehesy was an Egyptian ruler in the obscure Second Intermediate Period of Egypt.

Resseneb (son of Ankhu) was a vizier in early 13th dynasty of Egypt.

Papyrus Brooklyn 35.1446 famous papyrus in the Brooklyn Museum. Based on german version.

Helius (freedman); was part of the royal court of emperor Nero.

Khakau (king's son); was the brother of king Sobekhotep III

Senebi; treasurer during the late 13th dynasty

Sobeknakht (king's daughter); a princess of the late 12th/early 13th dynasty.