List of mosques in Aleppo

Aleppo was never a capital of any of the grand Arab dynasties, but nevertheless the city's central position in the Levant between Damascus and Baghdad, and its closeness to Anatolia, helped the city to prosper fast. This is a list of mosques in Aleppo from different dynastic periods.

Rashidunids edit

Ummayads edit

Great Mosque of Aleppo

Mashriq Dynasties edit

Ayyubids edit

Mamluks edit

Al-Sahibiyah mosque
Al-Atroush mosque

Turkic Dynasties edit

Ottomans edit

Khusruwiyah Mosque
Al Qaiqan-Moschee3
Al-Adiliyah Mosque

Modern edit

Ar-Rahman Mosque
Tawhid Mosque