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'''Badis ibn al-Mansur''' ({{Lang-ar|باديس بن منصورالمنصور}}); (died 1016), known fully as '''Abu Manad Badis Nasir al-Dawla''' (أبو مناد باديس ناصر الدولة), was the third ruler of the [[Zirids]] in [[Ifriqiya]] (995–1016).
Badis ibn Mansur succeeded his father [[Alal-Mansur ibn Buluggin]] (984–995) as viceroy of [[Ifriqiya]]. He stayed very close to his overlords, the [[Fatimids]] of [[Egypt]],<ref>Talbi (1970) notes that he sent the poet [[ar-Raqiq]] on a diplomatic mission to [[Cairo]].</ref> on account of a power struggle amongst the Zirids - his right to rule was challenged by his great-uncle [[Zawi ibn Ziri]], who was ultimately driven into [[Andalusia]] where he founded the Zirid dynasty of [[Granada]] (1012–1090).
More serious was the challenge posed by his uncle [[Hammad ibn Buluggin]], who as governor of [[Algeria]] was building up his power and had established his own residence at [[Bejaia]] - ultimately, in 1014, the [[Hammadids]] separated from the [[Zirids]]. In the ensuing struggle the Zirids received no support from the Fatimids, and were forced to concede the independence of the breakaway dynasty.