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** [[Barack Obama]], in [ Remarks by the President on Egypt (11 February 2011)]
* '''What happened in Abbottobad ... has been the second death of [[Osama bin Laden]]. His physical one. Meanwhile, his symbolic, political and ideological [death] had already occurred on the squares of Cairo, Tunis, Damascus and Bengasi, where Al Qaeda had been ignored. Nobody exhalted it. Nobody mentioned it. The "Arab spring" has blossomed and exploded for want of democracy and freedom.''' It is not provoked by Islamic fanaticism, and even less inspired by the idea of a caliphate... launched by bin Laden. His terroristic instrument, Al Qaeda ... has been, and is, ignored by the Egyptian, Tunisian, Syrian or Libyan youth. For them, [Al Qaeda] is a bloodstained and obsolete tool. It is not a choice. It is outdated, even if its sporadic followers are still able to strike. '''Before the Americans, bin Laden had been symbolically killed by the people on Tahrir square and Burghiba avenue.'''
** [[w:it:Bernardo Valli|Bernardo Valli]], in "Il giovane viziato con lo sguardo timido diventato il 'principe del terrore': I soldi del padre e la svolta nella lotta contro l'Urss in Afghanistan" in ''La Republica'' (3 May 2011)