Learning Java/Basic Java Language: Difference between revisions

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Note, this operator is not to be confused with the concatenation operator, which we will discuss later.
=== Addition '+', Subtraction '-', multiplication '*', division '/', and modulus '%' operators ===
TheJust like the addition operator, the subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus operators are used as follows:
int a = 9;
a+1; // evaluates to 10
a-21; // evaluates to 78
a/3; // evaluates to 3
a*2; // evaluates to 18
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You have seen addition aubtractionSubtraction, multiplication, and division, you have seen before, but the modulus operator is much less commonly used. Actually, it is commonly used, but it known under a different name, the remainder. Nine divided by four gives a remainder of one, so therefore 9%4 (pronounced "9 mod 4") evaluates to 1.
When more than one of the operators are used in the same statement, for example: