Learning Java/Objects and Classes: Difference between revisions

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First you must declare an object reference, like this:
SomeClass SomeObjectsomeObject;//SomeClass is the class, SomeObjectsomeObject is the name of the reference variable
Now, you must initialize it so that it points to an object, like this:
SomeObjectsomeObject = new SomeClass();
The '''new''' operation will allocate the memory of an object of type '''SomeClass''' and call the class's '''constructor''' to initialize that memory. For the 2nd class you created, we can make a constructor and remove the main:
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public class Operation
String message = "Message";
public Operation(String mess)
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We can also do it all on one line:
Operation op = new Operation("STRINGHERE");
This is just like "int i=100", except that we are calling the constructor rather than using a primitive type.