Student Projects/Time management

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In this busy world it is easy to  pretend to be busy, and be highly unproductive. It is important to be mindful of the various items which eat your time, draining your energy and which is leaving behind no energy to make the most of your time. Here are a few items which might be using up your time without your awareness:

  1. Watching TV
  2. Checking social media
  3. Trying to win conversations
  4. Trying to impress others
  5. Overthinking
  6. Faking problems
  7. Constant complaining
  8. Trying to solve others problem
WATCHING TV[edit | edit source]

It is often believed that TV is the most useful way to extract important details that happen in your surroundings, but this maynot be true as the TV is filled with advertisements and unwanted content. The TV, YOUTUBE or NETFLIX is designed in such a way that it's very attractive so that you don't leave the screen. As they are getting paid for the amount of  screen-time you are spending.

CHECKING SOCIAL MEDIA[edit | edit source]

This is a very basic one, yet we tend to fall prey for this very easily. Social media is designed in such a way that you are constantly drawn towards. These suck most of the precious time even without you being aware of it.

TRYING TO WIN CONVERSATION[edit | edit source]

Understanding that everyone has their own opinions, and no one will be ready to bend to your version of truth. So make peace with their opinion and just walk away. Not necessary that you have to agree with them, but just close the conservation. As building the conversation will only disturb both the parties.

TRYING TO IMPRESS OTHERS[edit | edit source]

Everyone has a standard and originality. But trying to impress  others is faking yourself which will fade away some day and also it will just have a negative impact on your self-confidence. Clearly this is a huge waste of time and energy.

OVERTHINKING[edit | edit source]

Thinking about what could possibly go wrong isn't a bad idea, but drowning yourself into it is a bad idea for the simple reason that you are complicating your life. Also this the major reason for constantly complaining, faking problems.

FAKING PROBLEMS[edit | edit source]

When we are constantly bombarded with many problems we may feel that we are the only one having so many problems and may end up drowning in the illusion of problems. This must be avoided in all cases.  As this will make your life miserable, you are constantly trying to complain or solve problems which don't exist in the first place.

CONSTANT COMPLAINING[edit | edit source]

Understand that just complaining will not solve the problem. Instead it makes you feel more miserable. Instead  quit complaining and either work on solving the problems or do something better.


It is true that when your friend is troubled, you need to listen to them, but don't bury your head into their problems. Even if you have the best solution just suggest it to them and make a move.  Also you don't want to spoil your relationship because of the suggestion. Because you have your own problems to deal with.