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A new Python-based project called Python Test Runner (ptr), that allows developers to run Python unit test suites. The main difference between ptr and existing test runners is that ptr crawls a repository to find Python projects with unit tests defined in their setup files. It then runs each suite in parallel with configured enabled steps.


The ptr project was created as a way to provide a lightweight tool using standard open source Python components. Supported and tested on Linux, MacOS, and Windows, ptr allows developers to test multiple projects in one Python environment and run the tests in parallel.

To achieve this, ptr recursively searches for setup.(cfg|py) from BASE_DIR (-b) and parses the found setup files for ptr configuration. If setup.(cfg|py) exists with ptr configuration, ptr runs the tests. When running test suites in parallel, all steps will be run for each suite until failure, and only failed runs will have their output written to stdout.


ptr has four main use cases:

  • Running a Python test suite
  • Optionally checking and enforcing code coverage requirements
  • Optionally formatting and linting Python code
  • Optionally performing static type analysis


ptr on github
ptr on PyPI

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