Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure adopted by the Faculty Senate.

Secret ballot rule. Voting will be done by secret ballot on any motion if any member of the Senate specifically requests it.  Secret ballots will be distributed to those in attendance who have signed regular ballots.  (Approved March 20, 2017)

Procedure for Confirming UCRT or Contested Appointments. When confirming any appointments to UCRT, or any contested appointments to other committees, nominees shall be asked to leave the room at some point to allow for open discussion, after which they shall be called back for a vote by secret ballot.  An appointment is contested when there is more than one nominee for a position.  (Approved March 20, 2017)

Procedure for Electing Senate Officers. When electing Senate officers, whether the election is contested or not, nominees shall be asked to leave the room at some point to allow for open discussion, after which they shall be called back for a vote by secret ballot.  (Approved May 11, 2017)

Procedure for Uncontested Senate Elections. The Senate Constitution’s section on Senate elections (III-F-4) shall be interpreted as allowing that when the number of nominees does not exceed the number of seats to be filled, ballots need not be distributed, collected, and counted.  (Approved May 13, 2010)

Parliamentary Rules. The Senate will use Parliamentary Rules for Basic Motions at Senate Meetings, which includes some rules that depart from Roberts Rules.  (Approved November 13, 2017)

Parliamentary Interpretations.

“Regular” and “Special” Meetings of the Senate.

Robert’s Rules of Order

Main Campus Senator Prof. Anthony Arend serves as the Faculty Senate’s parliamentarian. He has prepared an informational primer slide deck to help summarize the basics of parliamentary procedure.