Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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  • Company
    Former White House press secretary
  • Age
  • Title
    Republican aide
As the former face of the Trump administration, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has long been a household name. From being portrayed on Saturday Night Live to appearing on Fox News, she’s been everywhere. Things haven’t always been positive: Her tenure at the White House was tumultuous, and her relationship with the press corps was tenuous at best. But she’s still going.

Born into politics, Huckabee Sanders got her start running the successful Arkansas gubernatorial campaign of her father, Mike Huckabee. Now, she’s contemplating her next steps, and it seems very likely that she’ll be running for governor herself. The President has urged her to do so publicly on many occasions. The job opens up in 2023, when current Gov. Asa Hutchinson ends his term, and she seems pretty determined to take his place. Until then, she’s preparing herself once again for public life. This fall, she’ll release her first book, Speaking for Myself: Faith, Freedom, and the Fight of Our Lives Inside the Trump White House.

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